Model 625 HDP Gold Hand Dredge with Gravity Gold Concentrator and Dry Vac
The Model 625 Hand Dredge, works much like a typical recreational suction dredge, only the suction is Immediate Vacuum Response (IVR) and not dependent upon a power jet venturi's impeller produced siphoning vacuum that's driven by the mechanical force of an artificial gravity (see hydraulic mining monitor) type water pressure forced angularly into the dredge hose cavity. The convoluted cylinder bellows "HG Power Plant" is reinforced from inside and out making the operation more like a "rocking" piston pump. Best of all, it's ported to effortlessly pass 1 1/2" diameter cobbles, or attach the large 3 1/2" inner diameter, 1/2" mesh seive nozzle for suctioning and pumping massive amounts of pre-classified dredge material with fine gold into a free flowing sluice or a side loading bucket. Effortless operation makes all day GOLD hand dredging possible.
Click Here YouTube M625 and M2125 GOLD Nugget Suction Power Demo
Top of the line M625 HDP Remote Gold Prospectors Outfit.
The EGTC eliminates the need to build a miners dam or struggle to get the angle and water flow inside the sluice set right! Once the angles set, the intermittent pumping action insures maximum efficiency with the EGTC Gold Concentrator. Find a rock and secure the concentrator using the cargo lashing kit then stretch and shape this flex pipe so that the material is being pumped "UP HILL"! A rise of 7" calculates to about a 45 degree angle.
Pump a few cubic feet of the dredge material in and as it's ramping up the Deep-V surface, the heavier values will tend to settle as the the lighter over burden flushes out. The concentrator serves as a low pressure area for black sand and gold to settle which becomes quite obvious with any users first clean out after hand dredging in gold bearing streams, creeks and rivers.
The key is the intermittent pumping action and flushing out excess material accumulating in the concentrator during the hand dredging operation. Never have a boring clean out ever again!
See You Tube Video Demo @
Great way to conduct hit and run operations when looking for black sand gold bearing deposits while hand dredging.
Go To: D.I.Y. Gravity Concentrator's and see all of the You Tube Video's as the gravity concentrator was being tested for it's efficiency by sluicing hand dredged tailings.
With a single elongation stroke of the pump, these hand powered suction separator dredges are capeable of creating enormous suction at the nozzle end due to their sealed no leaks construction. Pulling the handle can more than double the mechanical force of the water compaired to siphoning thereby improving gold recovery from cracks and crevices.
The Model 625 when tested using a in/hg vacuum gage achieved and held a -10 in/hg that's more than 1/3 of an atmosphere. It was equipped with 24" of class 200 1 1/2 in. PVC pipe, yielding 55 cubic inches or 30 1/2 fluid ounces.
1) M625 HDPBBBN Basic
1) EGTC Gold Concentrator w/rock lashing kit
1) 12" to 24" telescope pipe assembly w/ 1 1/2" steel restrictor nozzle.
1) 2" inner diameter X 5ft. wire reinforced hose
2) 1 1/2" X 2" Pipe to hose adapters w/tie wraps
1) M625 HDP Dry Vac Kit
1) Teflon Tape (Not Shown)
Available now.......New Side Loading Bucket Lid fixture for the EGTC GOLD Concentrator. The window allows the EGTC to snap right in. Fits most 3, 5 and 7 gallon buckets.
All a prospector needs to get the GOLD wet or dry. 1 1/2" intake nozzle for Gold hand dredging and .7" inner diameter dry vac pipe doubles as the crevicing tool for the dredge!. Use the stand alone Experimental Gravity Trap GOLD Concentrator instead of a sluice and pan outs get fast and simple, a 1 minute clean out gives the dredger a chance to move fast. Telescoping pipe assembly gives variable depth dredging from 12" to over 24" combined reach. Snorkeling? No problem, Model 625 Hand Dredges are completely submersible, works just as easy under water along with the Gravity Concentrator (EGTC)
Five feeet of very flexible 2" inner diameter hose reduces or eliminates plug ups. Learn to use the EGTC, start by setting the height from the lashing bracket to the bottom at about 7" with the land between at a 40 - 45 degree angle and pump the material into and through. As the material reaches the V-Traps, the gold will settle as the lighter material climbs the 45 degree incline "ramp". The results don't lie. Gold collects in the concentrator. The Model 625 moves material fast, so if you've overloaded the concentrator, save some of the tailings and sluice them. Normally, the results are always the same, the GOLD stays in the concentrator, and there's no need to sluice them.