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"The Firewood Guy" aka. "The Mineshaft for GOLD" doubles as a prospecting store where you can buy and/or sell your GOLD, Specimens and Treasure. They also sell dry washers, sluice boxes, gold pans, classifiers, books, maps, etc., known to also have rentals. Located within hiking distance of the Mighty Kern River at 3925 Lake Isabella Blvd., Bodfish, CA 93205 Tel. 1-760-379-5444 Stop in and checkout the M625 HDP Gold Hand Dredge, M625 HD Dry Vac, GOLD Syringe II and the EGTC Gravity Concentrator. Prospecting Guide service available on request.
For the Best in First Person Full HD Video choose IVUE Rincon. Stereo recording, 110 degree wide angle view, manually tiltable CMOS camera lens, 12 Mega Pixel Photo's, Wi-Fi app allows smart phone control of all settings and brodcasts wirelessly..