- GOLD Prospectors Hand Dredge's
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YouTube Video Demo's! Click on Picture's
1) Dry Vac 2) Atmospheric Gauge Test 3) The Classic "Rocks of Magnetite Sand"
Gravity Trap Hand Dredging with Model 625 HD PClick Picture for YouTube video.
Model 625 HD Ppumping video demo at rates of 30+ gallons per minute or 1800 GPH.
Click Picture for more info
Model 625 HD P Gold Hand Dredge pump body with the Bilge Pump Kit: 24" Telescope piping assembly, discharge valve with 90 Degree swivel elbow, 6 feet of hand dredge/bilge hand pump hose.
Pictured below: Click any picture
M625 HDP w/ 2" dia. hose, M625 HD w/ 2" dia. hose, M625 HDP (basic) and M625 HD (basic)
New! ZenCart tools to redesign and build complete GOLD hand dredges.
Pictured below:
M625 HDP Bilge Pump w/2" dia. hose, M625 HD Bilge Pump (basic) and M625 HDP Bilge Pump (basic)
M2125 HD True 2 GOLD Hand Dredge DVD
YouTube VideoModel 625 HDP hand dredge in Subsurface Action. Awesome suction and discharge action showing 3 1/2" with 1/2" mesh seive nozzle and 1 1/2" steel lined restrictor nozzles at work feeding the sluice.
Thehand dredge (video 1) and
crevice dredge (video 2) are Model 625 HD hand powered GOLD dredge's, indispensable as prospecting tool's for the mining of gold bearing gravel's from any creek, stream or river being prospected.
The stealthy design allows for compact storage, assembles quickly or carries as is. Versatality is a plus, the slip fit design allows for a wide array of configurations, attachments can easily be "plumbed" in.
Whether it's high volume production hand dredging, suctioning out crevices, quickly filling 5 gallon buckets, or as pictured a 1 gallon concentratorbottle (video 3) with stream bed material to be panned or sluiced, the Model 625 HD can meet the demand.
How many times has someone regretted not bringing a cordless vacuum, and extra battery's or abused other equipment to try and make do, in a dry environment? Regret no more with the Model 625 in the Dry Vacuum configuration.
For a more detailed description of Specifications and Technical Data visit Zen Cart Technology Showroom.
How is your M2125 or M625 being used?